To learn more about the statistics and date behind why we do what we do, please visit these websites:
Get Ready To Read provides information and statistics on literacy and reading challenges children face. They conduct and promote their research to better educate individuals on how they can help provide support and opportunities to those who struggle to learn.
Reading Rockets is a project that offers lessons, reading strategies, and activities to help children read and read better. Their website provides information and current data about challenges children face, and how various situations can be overcome.
Thank you Justin for this terrific link to numerous reading resources! This site provides links for early reading help, fun games, and even links for tweens and teens. Check out their links to read-alongs and virtual story times.
First Book provides information on the need of books and educational resources for children in need, as well as the impact it has on children and how they learn.
Literacy Partners utilizes research-based programs to better equip parents and caregivers with the resources and materials needed to best prepare their children for school and to boost their reading proficiency. Their research provides information on the importance of reading, parents' involvement and attainment, and other factors that contribute to children's education.
Reading Is Fundamental's Literacy Network provides data and statistics about literacy across the United States and insights on the impact not having access to books has on children and their education.